Voice Feminization Surgery At IMVC Manila ​
Voice feminization thyroplasty is a surgical procedure designed to modify the voice, helping it align with feminine characteristics. It is commonly chosen by transgender women or individuals seeking a voice that better matches their gender identity. If you’re considering having this procedure, here’s an overview of what to expect before, during, and after surgery.
Before the Procedure
The journey begins with consultations. Our surgeons will evaluate your medical history, your readiness, lifestyle, expectations and goals. Your vocal cords will also be checked to ensure you’re a good candidate for the surgery. Our team will explain the procedure, potential risks, and realistic outcomes.
During the Procedure
Voice feminization thyroplasty at IMVC Manila involves the use of pre-fabricated titanium plates from Japan. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation, enabling the surgeon to test your voice during the surgery and fine-tune the results in real-time. You will remain awake and able to provide feedback, ensuring the pitch aligns with your desired level. The operation usually lasts 1-2 hours.
After the Procedure
Post-surgery, you will need time to heal. You will be advised to rest your voice completely for one week. Swelling, discomfort, or a temporary raspy voice is normal and should improve over time. We will get in touch with you regularly to monitor your healing and voice quality.
Our surgical package also includes 2 sessions of speech therapy to further help you adjust to your new voice and enhance its natural sound.
Here is the timeline of the surgery including pre-surgical and post-surgical procedures:
Timeline of the surgery including pre-surgical and post-surgical procedures. If you live outside Metro Manila, you will need to make arrangements to stay here for 3-4 weeks
Day 1
Laboratory and Ancillary Procedure
Pre-Operative Voice Analysis and Videostroboscopy
Pre-Operative Medical Evaluation and Clearance
Day 2
Day 3
Post-Operative Voice Analysis and Videostroboscopy
Day 4
Removal of Suture
Voice Analysis and Videostroboscopy
Day 5
First session of speech therapy (face-to-face)
Day 12
Second session of speech therapy (online)
The surgical package includes the procedure itself, a one-night stay at Centuria Medical Makati, all necessary laboratory tests, pre-surgical preparations, and post-surgical speech therapy sessions. However, meals, accommodations beyond the hospital stay, take-home medications, and travel expenses are not included.
Voice feminization thyroplasty can be life-changing, but it requires commitment to recovery and realistic expectations. At IMVC Manila, we will work closely with you to ensure a safe and successful journey toward achieving the voice that reflects your true self. Our licensed doctors are internationally trained, board-certified ear-nose-throat/head and neck surgeons so you will be in good hands should you decide to have the surgery at our medical voice center.
If you feel like voice feminization is right for you, you can schedule your consultation here. Don’t worry if you’re not from Metro Manila or if you live outside the Philippines, the initial consultation can be conducted via Zoom.