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Services we offer at IMVC Manila are the following:


  • Phonosurgery (thyroplasty types I-IV)

a) Thyroplasty Type I (Medialization, for ABSD/Abductor Spasmodic Dysphonia)

b) Thyroplasty Type II ( Lateralization, for ADSD/Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia)

c) Thyroplasty Type III (Voice masculinization surgery)

d) Thyroplasty Type IV (Voice feminization surgery)

  • Thyroid prominence shaving after phonosurgery (Adam's apple shaving)

  • Laryngeal Endoscopy

  • Injection laryngoscopy

  • Videostroboscopy

  • Vocal Cord Botox Injection

  • Voice Evaluation

  • Speech Therapy

  • Voice Coaching

  • ENT-related consultations



Our goal is to offer a wide spectrum of services, including consultations, medical treatment, surgical interventions, speech therapy, and voice coaching.


Our doctors specialize in helping patients suffering from spasmodic dysphonia, muscle tension dystonia and other voice-related conditions.


Because our doctors are ENT-HNS surgeons (ear-nose-throat-head-neck surgeons) we also accept patients with concerns concerning the ears, nose and throat.


We recognize that voice is a fundamental aspect of self-expression so through gender-affirming surgeries, voice feminization (which includes tracheal shaving aka Adam's apple shaving) and voice masculinization, we aim to empower individuals in their right to choose to align their voices with their identity.


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